Elise & Sebastian |
"Sebastian just want to let you know that your friend Elise likes you very much so much that she loves wrapping her arms around yours" She is your little playmate who loves to come visit you, even though you guys are only one month apart you guys have similar things in common. The both of you love to chew on your fingers, coo, smile and bounce on the jumperoo. She's a cutie just like you!
~ma maa
Hello Friends and Family,
Welcome to my blog known as "Letters To my Little Sebastian". As a new stay at home mom I thought it would be a great idea to write letters to "See Bass" in essence describing his daily growth development, milestones, stories, life and my Motherhood adventures. Aside from being a stay at home mom blogging will give me the ability to have a social life outside of baby land and can be somewhat therapeutic for me. I can't promise I will blog every day but will keep you posted on the most important and memorable events of our lives. Feel free to write comments, thoughts, suggestions or whatever is on your mind, I will look forward to reading them.
"Sebastian today you woke up with the most beautiful smile anxiously waiting to be picked up by mami" After your feeding you fell asleep in my arms and I placed you in bed right next to me. Waking up next to you is breathtaking...
~ ma-maa.