Sebastian this has been a busy week for you in your developmental growth. For the past month you have been teething. Where you have shown severals signs of it such as grabbing every thing in sight and placing it in your mouth. Swollen gums and becoming irratable during your feedings have been other teething discomforts you have encountered. For comfort we have given you several frozen teethers and wash cloths and Baby Tylenol and orajel have been administered but after discovering that the FDA has discouraged the use of baby orajel due to the benzocaine in it we will discontinue the use of it. Its believed that it can be harmful and can cause several issues.
One Tuesday morning on April 26th I discovered one of your bottom tooth sprouting while feeling a little tiny sharpness as you where gnawing on my thumb. The following day a second tooth sprouted right next to it. You haven't been able to nurse or nap comfortably due to your teething discomfort but both mommy and daddy have tried to hold you upright during your naps which has been the only way you will fall asleep. Sebastian as your teeth started to sprout you have constantly stuck your tongue out as you have noticed quite the difference in your mouth the feeling of your new teeth arriving.
On Thursday you rolled over for the first time. You where on your belly doing tummy time and as I stepped into the kitchen and your brother was going to the restroom he noticed that you where no longer on your belly but on your back. You where no where near your mat and managed to move away from it. We where ecstatic and the next day we got a chance to actually see you in action and we recorded it for daddy. You are officially our Rollie Polly! We are extremely happy to see you growing daily. We love you Sebastian.
A place for one mum to share her love for her children their milestones, stories, and life adventures in this wonderful world called MOTHERHOOD!
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Bun in the oven...
Here you are in my belly Sebastian 8 months along growing healthy, big and quickly. Your Dad, brother and I where extremely excited for your arrival and couldn't wait to meet you. This picture was taken at home your daddy and I went out to dinner this night to celebrate mommy's birthday and your Tia Nadia's as well. You will soon learn that mommy has a twin sister. You and your brother are ten years apart yes we waited along time to have another child but it was worth the wait. Meeting you for the first time was extraordinary! Mommy loves you...
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Mommy and Daddys Wedding Day!
Sebastian Mommy and Daddy where married finally after a decade of being together on May 15, 2010. When we made the decision to extend our family we decided to get married as well. You where growing inside my belly three months on this beautiful day in the City of Coronado. Owe my eternal gratitude to my beautiful twin sister Nadia for making my wedding day perfect!!!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Your "Lovey" you LoVe!
Sebastian your Daddy and I decided that it would be a great idea to get you a little cuddly buddy to have and to hold ....tee hee You are about 20 weeks now and love to chew on just about everything. I gave you the option between this little lovey (monkey) or an elephant that played lullabies, you enjoyed the music but once the little monkey was placed in front of you, you snatched it up and straight into the mouth!!! Daddy and I are thinking we should get you a back up just in case. Your lovey is soft and in front it says I love Hugs and the inside fabric is a silk brown color. The best part is when the silky brown turns dark brown and this is how we know you enjoy it soo much. I thought Mr. Hugs would be an appropriate name for your lovey so when you need a comfort buddy to chew on he is there at all times!!! Mommy loves you.

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