Sebastian here are a few pictures of your nursery. You most likely won't remember so these pictures may help see what it looks like now and when your a bit older munchkin you can see all the love and hard work your family put into it making it perfectly just for you. I will never forget the day you where born. You where born on your actual due date on November 7, 2010. I went into to labor just a day before the 7th, and on this day we where going to paint your nursery. I experienced contractions the entire day while shopping at home depot for paint. Mommy, Tia Nadia, Nino Phillip, Big Brother Jesse and Cousin Christina
where all going to paint your room while daddy was at work. However
that did not happen because you where on your way. Daddy, big brother
Jesse and I couldn't wait to meet you! Mommy did 80% of her labor at home
and checked in the hospital around 11:30p.m Sat. Nov. 6, 2010.
All of your family waited anxiously for your arrival but you made
them wait even longer since you decided to come out into our world
sunny side up with no complications. You where born during daylight
savings and I had you at 4:00a.m instead of 3:00am. We spent one
night at the hospital and we where on our way home the following
day. To our surprise when we came home Tia Nadia, Nino Phillip
and cousin Christina had surprised us with your nursery painted in
blue! It was perfect four our little Sebastian. Thank you everyone
who helped make this happen especially to my beautiful sister Nadia
who goes above and beyond to making me oh so very happy.
Now here you are on your changing table exploring your little feet that you find very interesting.
Below are the rest of your nursery pictures and if you look closely at the last image Tia Nadia created a "Welcome Home" Sign just for you and we have left it for you to see.
Tia Nadia and Cousin Christina help build your changing table till wee hours of the night the following day you where born. It came out beautifully. Even though they had very little sleep this night they did it all for you.
Here you are now we've experienced blow outs, wet diapers, and duck and cover fountains of pee from someone so sweet like you. Your daddy loves to change your diapers even though you are squiggly as can be you are growing more and more each and every single day. We love you sweet little pumpkin!
tee hee...i absolutely love that you left my art work up for sea bass to see!!!! too cute!